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Bhakti – Sufi Traditions

July 1, 2024

Bhakti  – Sufi Traditions

Bhakti (7th – 12th century) rose as a reaction against feudal oppression and Rajput – Brahman domination. Presence of priests is not required. Sources = Bhagwat Geeta, Katha upanishad, Shvetashvatara upanishad, Narada Sutra and Sandilya Sutra.

Two school of Bhakti : Mystical love for God. Poems in vernacular language, included lower caste. Critical of ritual practices.

Nirgun School

  • God is formless.
  • rejected scripture and idolatry.
  • no sect and religion.
  • Upanishadic philosophy.
  • acquired knowledge.


Kabir, Nanak.

Sagun School.  

  • Definite.
  • believe in incarnations, scriptures and idolatry.
  • defined sect.
  • Epics and Puranas.
  • love and devotion.


Tulsidas, Ramanuja.


They were opposed to Caste System, Brahmanical domination, Jainism and Buddhism.

Alvars – Vishnu – 12 in numbers. 

Composed hymns and compiled in Divya Prabandha = Tamil Veda. 

Andal / Goda devi = only female. Meera of South.

Love, devotion and friendly relation with God.

Nayanars – Shiva – 63. 

Details of saints in work Tevaram called Dravida Veda.

Thirumurai = compilation of hymns on request of Chola RajaRaja I.

Karaikkal Ammaiyar.

Sacrifice and master – slave relation with God.

Lingayats / Virashaiva Tradition
 : Kalachuri Dynasty in Karnataka. Rejected caste system. Initiated by Basavanna, Allamaprabhu and AkkaMaha Devi.

Nathpanthis, Siddhas and Yogis :

Advocated renunciation of the world. Path to salvation lay in Meditation. Low caste.


  • centred around Vitthal Shrine – manifestation of Krishna.
  • rejected renunciation and ritualism.
  • divided into 2 sects :
Varakaris. Vitthal of Pandharpur / Kandharpur – abstract. Dharakaris, Ramadasa – rational.

Great saint belonging to Vithoba cult : 

  • Jnaneshwar = wrote commentary on Bhagwat Gita called Jnaneswari. Other work : Amrutanubhav on Yoga and Philosophy. 
  • Namdeva = belonged to Dadu Panth tradition as one of the five revered gurus, others are Dadu, Kabir, Ravida and Hardas.

Remembered as Nirgun Saint in North. His versus (Abhangas / Dohas ) are included in Guru Granth Sahib.

  • Eknath = Poet of Varkari Sampradaya. Sagun form of worship. Introduced Bharood ( Marathi religious Song ) 
  • Tukaram = Shudra by birth. Contemporary of Shivaji and created background for Maratha Nationalism = Parmarathas. 
  • Ramdas = worshipper of Hanuman and Rama. Spiritual guide of Shivaji. Wrote Dasbodh. Founder of Samarth Sect. Inspired Tilak.


  • Shankaracharya ( 8th C. ) : propounded Advaita (monism) and Nirgunabrahman. Mathas at Sringeri, Dwarka, Puri and Badrinath.
Advaita = Brahman is the only reality, Rest is Maya. 

Analogy = snake and rope.

Gyaan alone can lead to Salvation.

Books : Upadesh Shastri, Vive Chudamani, Bhaja Govindam Stotra.

  • Ramanujam ( 11th cen. ) : influenced by Alvars = devotion to Vishnu. Opposed Shankaracharya. Propounded Vishishta Advaita or qualified monism.
World and Brahma are two equal real entities. World is formed out of Brahma. 

Analogy = sea and wave.

Advocated Prabattimarga or self surrender to God. Salvation attained through Bhakti, Karma.

 Books : Sri Bhashya, Gita Bhashya, Vedantasara, Vedanta Dipa.

  • Madhavacharya ( 13th century ) : propagated Dvaita or Dualism of Jivatma and Paramatma. He founded Brahma Sampradaya.
Brahma and world two real entities but not related in any way.

Salvation only through grace of God.

  • Nimbarka (13th Cen ) : propounded Dualistic monism / Dvaita – Advaita Philosophy / Bheda – Abheda. Analogy = Sun and sun beam. Vaishnavite Bhakti. Founded Sanak Sampradaya. Salvation = Karma, Vidya, Dhyana, Prapatti (devotion), Gurupasatti ( self surrender to Guru) 
  • Vallabhacharya (15th Cent. ) – court of Krishnadeva Raya. His disciple = Surdas. Propounded Shudha Advaita ( Pure – Monism ). Philosophy = Pushtimarg. Founder of Rudra Sampradaya.
Analogy : example of coin. 

There is no change of Brahma into the world, world exists as an aspect of Brahma without undergoing any change.

Books = Subodhini and Siddhant Rahasya.

BHAKTI MOVEMENT – NORTH INDIA – 15th and 16th cen.

  • Tulsidas : Follower of Rama. Composition in Awadhi. Wrote RamcharitraManas, Hanuman Chalisa. Followers of Tulsi founded Radha Vallabhi Sect. 
  • Surdas : Krishna. Compositions = Sursagar, Surasavavali, Sahitya Lahari. Wrote in Brij. 
  • ShankarDev of Assam : Started Ekasarana (one – God) Movement. Famous work = Kirtana Ghosha. Teachings = Bhagavati Dharma. Introduced and reformed cultural art = Ankia Nat, Bhaona, Borgeet, Sattriya Dance. 
  • Chaitanya Mahaprabhu ( 1486 – 1534 ) : He gave Achintya Bheda Abheda. Inspiration behind ISKCON. He wrote Siksastakam. Popularised Kirtans.

NON – SECTARIAN BHAKTI MOVEMENT :  who do not belong to any religion.

also = Nipakh Path.

  • Ramananda (15th cen ) : link between South Indian and North Indian Bhakti. Social Reformer. Taught all varnas. Emphasis was on Bhakti, he avoided Gyaan and Karma Marg.

Followers are known as Ramanandis. Eg : Kabir, Ravidas, Nanak, Bhagat Pipa, Sena, Sadhana.

  • Kabir (15th century ) : Equality of man before God. reconcile Hindus and Muslims. Path to salvation is devotion. Followers = Kabir Panthis. Poems = Banis. Compilations = Bijak. His verses are found in Adi Granth. He used Vedantic, Yogic and Mystical connotation for God.
  • Dadu Dayal : Contemporary of Akbar. Followers = DaduPanths. Disciple of Kabir.
  • Nanak : Founder of Sikhism. “Rab”. His hymns called shabad. Rejected Vedas. Used terms Nam ( right worship), Dan ( welfare of others ) and Insan ( purity of conduct ).

His principles of Conduct = Sach, Halal ( lawful earning ), Khair, Niyat and Service of Lord.

Three basic elements : Guru, Shabad, Sangat ( organisation)

Concept of Langar. Sacred Space = Dharmsal →Gurudwara.

Tradition of Akhara.

Ramdas Pur →now Amritsar.

Guru Arjun Dev : compiled Adi Granth. believed in Materialism. Collected income (1/10th) from Sikhs. First Martyr of Sikhism. (Jahangir )

Guru Har Govind / Saccha Padshah : established Akal Takht. Concept of Miri and Piri ( keeping two knives ) Clash with Shahjahan.

Guru Gobind Singh : organised Khalsa. 5 Symbols of Sikhism = Kesha, Kachh, Kirpan, Kara, Kanga. Clash with Aurangzeb.

Women in Bhakti Movement : 

  • Bahinabai, Maharashtra.
  • Janabai, Marathi religious poet.
  • Akkamahadevi, Lingayat (Karnataka) religion, 12th century. A.k.a. Channamallikarjuna.
South India North India
It was against Buddhism and Jainism. No such element present.
Saints themselves are worshipped. No such element.
Shiv and Vishnu are popular. Krishna was popular.


SUFISM : 8th century, developed 11th C. 

Rabia al- Adawiya, Al – Junaid, Mansur bin Khalaaj.

Sufis turned to asceticism and protested against growing materialism of the Caliphate.

  • critical of dogmatic definitions of Quran.
  • Prophet Mohd. = perfect being.
  • No idol worship. Simplification of rituals.
  • Some practices (fasting, holding breath) associated with Buddhists and Yogis. Amritkunda (Yogic book) translated into Persian.

Methods of training : Zikr ( chanting of name ) ; Sama ( Singing ) ; Raqs (Dance ) and (Pas – i- Anfas ) breath control.

Ideas : Fana ( self annihilation ), Hulul ( infusion of divine spirit ), Ishq (divine love), Qurbat ( divine proximity ), Ruh (soul).

There were three stages of Sufism :

Stage 1 : KHANQAH 10th C. Age of Golden Mysticism.
TARIQA 11-14th C. Institutionalised Sufism, symbols attached to it.
TARIFA. 15th C. Popular Movement.


Different Sufi Orders in India : 

12th century : Silsila (12) = chain ; continuous link between master (pir) and disciple (murids) – Every Pir nominated Wali to carry his work forward.

Khanqahs : Centres of learning and preaching.

Ba Shara Be Shara
Those who follow Islamic law. Founded Silsilas. Not bounded by Law. Radical Interpretation. Asceticism. 

Qalandars, Malang, Haidar, Madaris = lacked respect for Khanqah and took mendicancy. (begging)


4 popular Silsilas :

  • Chistis : Founded by Khwaja Muinuddin Chishti in India (1192 – 1223) Philosophy = Panthetic Monism i.e. Wahadat – ul- Wajud / Tauhid / Unity of God = creator and created being.

Simple life, Language, Tolerant, Assimilation with locals. Refusal to accept grants. Relationship b/w man and god ( beloved and lover )

Bakityar Kaki.

Fariduddin : Punjab / Haryana. His poetry included in Adi Granth.

Nizamuddin Auliya : Mahboob -e- ilahi / Sidh. Amir Khusrau was his disciple.

Nasiruddin Mehmud : Chirdaag -e- Dilli.

Burhanuddin : established chisti order in Deccan. Composed poetry in Dakhani ( a variant of Urdu )

  • Suhrawardi : Founded by Shihabuddin Suhrawardi. Bahauddin Zakariya founded in India. Hamid uddin Nagori. Active in Punjab and Sindh.

Three attributes : Property, knowledge, Enlightenment (Hal) – accepted grants, mingled in politics. Advocated fusion of mystics and ilm (scholarship).

  • Naqshbandi Silsilah : by Khwaja Bahauddin Naqshbandi. Ahmed Sarhindi.

Followed shariat, Purity of Islam, opposed Sama, opposed interaction with Hindus and Shias, Critical of Akbar. Relationship b/w man and god ( Slave and Master ).

  • Qadri Silsilah :  Popular in Punjab. Concept of Wahdat- al -Wajud / Unity of Existence. dismissed Orthodox elements.
Mutazila. Rational philosophy of Islam – asserts that creator and created are one.
Ziyarat. Pilgrimage to Tomb of Sufi Saints.
Ulama. scholar of Islamic studies.
Hadis. words and deeds of Prophet.
Qiyas. reasoning.
Ijma. consensus of community.
Quran, Hadis, Qiyas and Ijma = Sharia. 
Zakat Alms to poor.


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