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October 12, 2024

Reconstruction of Indian history of the ancient and medieval era is a daunting task owing to lack of chronological records, and subjectivity in the interpretation of archaeological and literary sources. In this context, accounts of foreign travellers, who were eye witnesses to the events that occurred at that time, become an important source to corroborate other sources of history.

Economic Significance:

  • Foreign Trade: Both inland and external trade was significant, including the import of gold, wine, pottery, and the export of spices, textiles, silk, and more.
  • Ports and Cities: Key ports mentioned include Mu Chiri, Arikamedu, and Kaveripattinam, with major cities such as Kanchipuram being centers of economic activity.
  • Main Economic Activities: Agriculture, hunting, gathering, fishing, and pastoralism were the main livelihoods. Cattle raids are commonly mentioned in Sangam poems.
  • Women’s Role in Economy: Women actively participated in planting, weeding, husking, and winnowing of paddy. They were also involved in spinning, weaving, basket making, and other forms of economic contribution.
  • Economic Decline: By the end of the 3rd century, there was a noticeable economic decline, as the poets of that period stopped praising the kings.
  • Rice Cultivation: Rice was the staple food, and its importance is well reflected in the literature.
  • Classification of Zones: There were five economic zones (tinai), which supported different types of economic activities like hills, drylands, jungle, plains, and the coast.
  • Taxation: There was no regular taxation system, and income was mostly through trade, tributes, and plunder.
  • War, Raid, and Plunder: The Chola, Chera, and Pandya kingdoms often engaged in warfare, raiding, and plundering. Villagers’ sorrow over losing cattle and crops to enemy raids is a common theme in the poems.


Social Significance:

  • Caste System: The Brahminisation of Tamil society was ongoing, with untouchability beginning to take shape.
  • Caste Divisions: Four major castes are mentioned: Brahmins (priests), Arasar (ruling class), Anthanar (warriors), Vanigar (merchants), and Vellalar (agriculturists), as described in Tolkappiyam.
  • Clan-Based Society (Kuti): Kinship was vital, and social interactions were encouraged within the clan or Kuti. Inter-dining and interaction within these groups were allowed.
  • Status of Women: The worship of Kannagi had started, symbolizing chastity and devotion to one’s husband. Certain virtues like loyalty were expected from women.
  • Freedom of Women: Women had the freedom to choose their partners, and love marriage was a common practice.
    • Example: However, widowhood was miserable, and Sati was prevalent among the upper caste.
  • Social Values: Heroic death, sacrifice, stones, and memorials were highly valued.
    • Example: The South Indian society celebrated both love (depicted in Akam poems) and war (depicted in Puram poems).
  • Tribal-Pastoral Society: Tribal customs and totem worship were prevalent. People used amulets to ward off evil and for good luck, especially to bring rain and prosperity.

Political Significance

  • Portrayal of Political Events: Sangam literature includes stories with exaggerated connections to famous epics like the Mahabharata, but they reflect real political events.
    • Example: The Chola king Karikala who regained his kingdom after defeating an alliance of opponents.
  • Hereditary Monarchy: The Sangam dynasties followed a hereditary monarchy system. Each dynasty had its own royal emblem:
    • Tiger for the Cholas
    • Carp/Fish for the Pandyas
    • Bow for the Cheras
  • Administration: The king was assisted by a wide range of officials, categorized into five councils.
    • Example: Ministers (Amaichar), priests (Anthanar), envoys (Thuthar), military commanders (Senapathi), and spies (Orrar) played key roles in governance.
  • Military Administration: The administration was well-organized, and a regular army was associated with each ruler.


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