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October 21, 2024


The Congress of Vienna of 1814-1815 was an international diplomatic conference to reconstitute the European political order after the downfall of the French Emperor Napoleon 1.The objective of the Congress was to provide a long-term peace plan for Europe by settling critical issues arising from the French Revolutionary Wars and the Napoleonic Wars.

Reason for Formation

  • Restructuring of Europe: Reorganizing Europe post-Napoleonic Wars.
  • Distribution of Achievements of War: Victorious countries shared spoils of war.
  • Fulfillment of Victorious Powers’ Interests: Austria, Russia, and Britain sought to benefit:
    • Austria: Wanted dominance in Central Europe.
    • Russia: Aimed for control over Eastern Europe.
    • Britain: Desired to suppress France to protect economic interests.

Provisions and Features of Vienna Congress

  • Principle of Legitimacy: Aimed to restore monarchies displaced by Napoleon:
    • France given back to Louis XVIII.
    • Holland given to the Orange dynasty.
    • Papal States returned to the Pope.
  • Principle of Compensation: Rewards to distribute wartime gains:
    • Russia: Got Poland and control of Finland.
    • Austria: Gained Lombardy and took up German protection.
    • Britain: Stressed European peace for economic reasons.
  • Formation of Alliances: Created alliances such as the Holy Alliance, Quadruple Alliance, and Concert of Europe to maintain peace and balance of power.
Concert of Europe: Consensus among Great Powers (Russia, Prussia, Britain, Austria, and later France) to maintain balance and territorial integrity in Europe.
  • Suppression of Nationalism: Nationalism was seen as a threat to monarchies, and revolts driven by nationalism, such as the 1820 Naples revolt, were suppressed.

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