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Strategy For CSAT Exam (Prelims)

April 19, 2023

Due to the qualifying nature of the CSAT, we will establish its strategy separately from Paper I GS. This will significantly assist time management and developing focus for the GS paper. In addition, this strategy will benefit both those grappling with the CSAT paper and those confident in their CSAT knowledge.

First, it should be noted that the CSAT will require significantly less time than the GS paper. Furthermore, since you only need a score of 33% to pass the exam, there is no need to devote much time to prepare. With these considerations in mind, we have developed the following strategy to assist you in passing the CSAT with relative simplicity. This strategy is highly applicable, so you must adhere to it diligently.

Step 1: Take the CSAT seriously. 

There have been candidates who have failed this exam. Consequently, these candidates did not qualify for the Mains examination despite achieving high scores on the General Studies exam. Therefore, you must complete this assignment at all costs.

Step 2: Evaluate yourself prior to starting preparations.

Take the CSAT exam from the previous year and verify your score. This will give you a sense of your stand with the CSAT exam.

If your CSAT score is high, put it on the back burner for now and concentrate on GS. You can begin preparing for the CSAT two months prior to the exam. If your score is lower, do not worry; everything will be fine if you implement this strategy promptly.

Step 3: Obtain a comprehensive CSAT guide, such as that published by Tata McGraw Hill.

  • The significance of this manual cannot be overstated, as it will provide you with a one-stop solution for your preparation.
  • You do not need to read the entire book from cover to cover. Instead, the book is divided into sections, and you should select topics according to your needs.
  • Set aside every Sunday for CSAT practice and answer a few questions from the book’s numerous sample test questions.
  • Candidates with difficulty with the CSAT should practice for at least one hour daily. This can be reduced to 3 to 4 hours per week or one practice exam per week, depending on your needs.
  • To improve the CSAT, you must enrol in a Test Series at a reputable coaching centre. In any case, taking a test series is beneficial because it keeps you on your toes and familiarizes you with the CSAT’s format and topics.
  • In qualifying essays such as the CSAT, you should emphasize your strengths rather than weaknesses. The objective should be to gain a fundamental understanding of any subject with which you are unfamiliar so that you take into account simple questions.
  • There is no sense in devoting excessive time to a paper that is merely qualifying in nature, so consider how much time you will devote to the CSAT.

You have seen in these three phases that you should take the CSAT examination seriously, but not that seriously. CSAT preparation must in no way interfere with GS preparation. Remember that knowing the CSAT topics, undergoing regular evaluation (coaching test series or self-evaluation), and focusing on your strengths will help you succeed. However, neither overconfidence nor ignorance should prevent you from studying for this paper. You must pass the CSAT no matter what!

To conclude this strategy, let us recall a few fundamental points. Things such as revision, consistency, relaxation, and inspiration. Revision is crucial for CSE preparation; the more you review, the more you remember. We recommend that you revise at least weekly, if not daily. With the revision, the war is partly won. Due to the impossibility of simultaneously covering all topics, it is also essential to maintain consistency and self-control. Therefore, proceed incrementally, step by step, while remaining focused and disciplined. Rest as much as possible. Avoid overextending yourself. If you cannot complete a topic in one day, complete it the following day. Sometimes it is more essential to revise incomplete topics than to complete them without proper comprehension. Finally, encourage yourself and assure yourself that you can succeed. You must maintain motivation throughout the entire CSE academic year, from Preliminaries to Mains to Interviews. With this motivation, your daily studies will become more varied, and you will be able to appreciate the process of preparing for the CSE. The adage “fear of the unknown is the most crippling” is true, as you cannot predict how the Preliminary examination papers will be structured. Therefore, have faith and employ this strategy, which has proven effective for many before you. Fight this fear with your faith, and start preparing as soon as you complete reading this.

Best of success!

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